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September 2023 EdNSW

Annual Branch Meeting 2023 By Paul Anderson The Editors New South Wales (EdNSW) Annual Branch Meeting (ABM) was held on 1 August 2023 via Zoom, with three apologies. Thank you to those branch members who were able to join us for the in-conversation event with author...

Let’s talk about … working with arts boards

Let’s talk about … working with arts boards Online via Zoom Thursday 7 September, 6.30pm to 8pm Free for Writers Victoria members; $25 for non-members Many members of arts organisations find themselves wondering, from time to time, how they can increase their...

Cryptic crossword no. 20

By Mark Taylor Within the grid highlight three solutions which make up most of a film title embodying the broad theme of the crossword, and two solutions which identify one of the film’s co-stars. ACROSS 1. Smoothes surface for parking on narrow streets (6) 5....

Cryptic crossword no. 20 solution

By Mark Taylor Solutions:  Planes, Trains and Automobiles is a 1987 film featuring John Candy as one of the co-stars. Solvers should have highlighted 1a, 19d and 12d; and then 22d and 7d. Across:  1 Planes. 5 Downcast. 9 Raindrop. 10 Runner.  11 Motorbicycle. 13 Funk....