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November 2022 EdVic

From the president By Stephanie Holt AE ( Thoughts have been with regional and interstate colleagues this past month as the rains and flooding wreak havoc in so many areas. Let’s hope for a drier, sunnier, calmer November, as we head...

November 2022 EdsQ

From the president Looking ahead By Glenine Hamlyn AE, President, Editors Queensland (   In early August this year, I donned the mantle of the president of EdsQ, succeeding Christine Atkinson, whom I sincerely thank for her service...

November 2022 EdNSW

From the committee By Paul Anderson and Russell Noakes The EdNSW committee met on 11 October for its monthly meeting via Zoom, with four apologies. Minutes of the September committee meeting were accepted and actions from previous meetings reviewed. Written reports...

November 2022 EdANZ

From the EdANZ committee Last week Editors Aotearoa New Zealand held its Annual Branch Meeting. Thank you to all those members who attended.  We welcome Beverly Clunies-Ross who has taken over from Bella Mae as Secretary. As described in recent emails, many of the...

Prize grid from August crossword competition

By Jane Fitzpatrick AE and Mark Taylor In August we ran a feedback competition on the Gatherings crossword. Congratulations to the winner, Ruth Davies. Below is a slightly adapted version of the personalised crossword she received as her prize. If you want to know...