7 August 2023 | August 2023, Newsletters
by Elisabeth Thomas On 4 July 2023 (postponed from 6 June), EdNSW hosted a popular and well-received presentation on grammatical gremlins. Dr Linda Nix AE is an experienced editor, designer and writer, runs her freelance business Golden Orb Creative, and is the past...
7 August 2023 | August 2023, Newsletters
by Bonnee Crawford IPEd members were recently invited to attend Dr Malini Devadas’s workshop “Social media for editors: How to use LinkedIn and Instagram to find clients”. This workshop was organised by IPEd’s Standing Committee for Professional Development (SCPD) as...
7 August 2023 | August 2023, Newsletters
By Caroline Arnoul Dr Linda Nix AE ran her popular grammar refresher course on behalf of Editors Victoria over two sessions in late July. Linda took participants through the main parts of speech, phrases and clauses, sentences, the role of punctuation, and syntax, as...
7 August 2023 | August 2023, Newsletters
From the president by Margaret Trudgeon AE (edvic.president@iped-editors.org) July was a busy month for Editors Victoria as we finished up the 2022–23 committee term and readied ourselves for our Annual Branch Meeting, held on 20 July. In the weeks leading up to the...
7 August 2023 | August 2023, Newsletters
From the committee By Paul Anderson and Justine Dixon Cooper The EdNSW committee met on 11 July for its monthly meeting via Zoom, with two apologies. Minutes of the June committee meeting were accepted with no amendments and actions from previous meetings dealt with....
7 August 2023 | August 2023, Newsletters
Volunteer with EdsQ! Whether you are an early-career editor or an experienced professional, we would love to welcome you to our band of EdsQ volunteers. And whether you are in Cairns or Cunnamulla, you can contribute equally as long as you have an internet...