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Books without barriers

Books without barriers

By Julie Ganner AE, Chair, Accessibility Initiative Working Party (AIWP) The Accessibility Initiative Working Party (AIWP) is proud to announce the publication of Books without barriers: a practical guide to inclusive publishing. The guide was written by members of...

April 2023 EdTas

From the committee Members of Editors Tasmania were invited to an informal morning tea get-together, held at the Rivulet Café in South Hobart on Friday 24 March. Eight of us enjoyed this opportunity to catch up in a relaxed atmosphere in a spacious venue, much needed...

April 2023 EdsQ

From the president Conference dinners The Sunshine Coast sub-branch of Editors Queensland is planning a dinner on the Friday night during the IPEd Conference (5 May) instead of their usual June lunch. They will go over some of the main topics from the conference, and...
Introducing our new deputy chair, Stephanie Holt

Introducing our new deputy chair, Stephanie Holt

We speak with Stephanie Holt, IPEd’s new deputy chair and Victorian director about her background, hobbies and her new roles. Stephanie is no stranger to IPEd, having been an active member for 20 years, and most recently, serving as the Victorian branch president. How...

April 2023 EdVic

From the president By Margaret Trudgeon AE  The days are getting a bit cooler and summer is starting to feel like a distant memory as we all look forward to the Easter break. I’m well on the mend after a recent fall and am currently settling into the president’s...