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Accreditation exam facts and figures

Accreditation exam facts and figures

By the Accreditation Board IPEd’s accreditation scheme aims to promote excellence in the editing profession. It’s an opportunity for editors to demonstrate their competence against IPEd’s Standards for editing practice. Editors who pass the accreditation exam become...
Update on the Standards revision

Update on the Standards revision

​ By Sharon Lierse, Chair, IPEd Standards Working Party (ISWP) The IPEd Standards Working Party gave a presentation at the plenary session of the 11th IPEd Editors Conference. We provided a summary of the work completed since 2021 and the steps remaining until the...
IPEd’s mentoring program is expanding!

IPEd’s mentoring program is expanding!

By Elizabeth Beach, PhD AE, Chair, IPEd Mentoring Committee  Calling all fiction editors! Do you remember the thrill of discovering new voices and shaping raw manuscripts into captivating stories? Maybe it’s time to share your skills and experience with some of...
CEOʼs message

CEOʼs message

11th IPEd Editors Conference – thank you A huge thank you to everyone who helped to make the 11th IPEd Editors Conference a success. Thank you to the conference committee, our volunteers and all who attended. We appreciate attendees for your receptiveness, high levels...

June 2023 EdNSW

From the committee By Paul Anderson and Russell Noakes The Editors New South Wales committee met on 11 April for its monthly meeting via Zoom, with one apology. Minutes of the March committee meeting were accepted with amendments and actions from previous meetings...