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September 2022 EdTas

From the committee By Sabine Borgis The Editors Tasmania committee has been discussing how we can re-establish closer contact with our membership, which has been an issue also for other branches, especially since the pandemic began. With a very small number of members...

September 2022 EdSA

EdSA’s visit to the State Library of South Australia By Jo Vabolis AE, Vice President and Secretary, EdSA On Wednesday 20 July, a small group of Editors South Australia members and friends met at the State Library of South Australia (SLSA) for a private tour...

September 2022 EdNSW

From the committee By Paul Anderson and Russell Noakes The EdNSW committee met on 9 August for its monthly meeting via Zoom, with four apologies. This was the first meeting of your new committee for 2022–23. Minutes were accepted for: the July committee meeting the...

September 2022 EdANZ

Your EdANZ committee Welcome to part one of our “Meet the committee” series. In this part we introduce the executive group and ex officio roles. Next month we’ll introduce the second group of committee members. At the Annual Branch Meeting on 18 October, we are...

September 2022 EdVic

From the president By Stephanie Holt AE ( One of IPEd’s most important roles is to administer the accreditation scheme for editors. Last month 22 members sat the accreditation exam in Melbourne, and I hope all felt confident that it...
IPEd professional development pricing structure

IPEd professional development pricing structure

For historical reasons, IPEd’s professional development prices and presenter payments have varied, sometimes considerably, across branches and types of PD. The IPEd Board, Branch Presidents and the Standing Committee for Professional Development (SCPD) have therefore...