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December 2022 EdANZ

From the committee   Changes to your EdANZ committee   Last month we published the names of the new EdANZ committee members. We are grateful for all the hard mahi the previous committee members carried out. They will be a hard act to follow. Those who stood down...

Cryptic crossword no. 18

By Jane Fitzpatrick AE ACROSS 1 Hide on tree and make sound of cricket (7, 2, 6) 8 Saline waters take edges off disease (3) 9 Horse riders are newly arisen, embracing hunt (11) 11 Pens speech about ceremonial acts (5) 12 Jerk capturing wandering elephant (who lost...
Review of the Australian manual of style

Review of the Australian manual of style

A small team, comprising members of the Accreditation Board and the Communications and Style Standing Committee, undertook a special review of the Australian manual of style (AMOS). The review team found that, overall, “the manual is well structured and easy to...
Pay rates information for employee editors

Pay rates information for employee editors

By the Pay and Conditions Standing Committee There is a new page dedicated to pay and conditions for employee editors in IPEd’s members’ portal.  It contains:  a salary tracker for employee editors information about IPEd’s campaign to update the Book Industry Award a...
Stuff students want to know

Stuff students want to know

By Stephanie Holt AE ( A few times a year, Editors Victoria holds an “Ask an Editor!” Q&A for editing students, and there are always some curly questions. Luckily our guest panellists Caroline Arnoul and Margaret Trudgeon were up...