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Fiction in translation book club

On Tuesday 5 April, we held our second Fiction in translation book club in which we discussed Tayeb Salih’s Season of migration to the north. Translated to English from Arabic by Denys Johnson-Davies in 1969, this book was selected in 2001 by a panel of Arab writers...

Event report: BookTube and the publishing industry

BookTube is a niche community within YouTube that talks about books with content including book hauls, reading wrap-ups, to-be-read lists, vlogs and more. On Thursday 14 April, student member Kirstie Horton presented the results of her Masters research on BookTube and...

May 2022 EdsQ

Brisbane summer picnic The picnic was a triumph of quality over quantity! One of the good things about it was that it didn’t rain. Low turnout seems to persist; I think we should persist too, to see if people will come out of the post-COVID-19 woodwork.  ...

Event report: Crafting raw memoirs

Speaker Jacki Ferro started by discussing what is and isn’t a memoir and pointed out that a memoir is about both the outcome – the memories and learnings of a person – and the process – how the person shares their most intimate memories and experiences. A reader of a...

May 2022 EdWA

Meet our new committee members   Laurie Bradford – events Some background on your career path — what led you to editing? I was frequently on “proofreading duty” in high school, so when I started my studies at Curtin University I was intrigued by the editing...