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May 2022 EdSA

From the committee We’re building some momentum as we go further into the new year. We’re also looking forward to a couple of sessions that we’ve been planning for a while. On 28 April, we enjoyed a session with Dr Patrick Allington, a South Australian novelist and...

May 2022 EdANZ

From the president Tēnā koutou katoa,   This is my farewell president’s column, written just before I stood down from the position on the EdANZ committee, a role I have been honoured to hold for nearly three years. I had hoped to continue until the next annual...

May 2022 EdVic

From the president Welcome to May 2022, a month of manic political campaigning. Campaigns are often good fodder for honing editorial skills like fact-checking and clear communication, but often not so good for maintaining decorum and mental wellbeing. But putting that...
In fine company

In fine company

Many times in my life I’ve worked as a writer or editor. Sometimes it’s been a lonely gig. Other times I’ve been welcomed as part of a larger team. The best times were always when I was with like-minded friends. And, as an editor, the very best of these were when I’ve...
Why sit the accreditation exam?

Why sit the accreditation exam?

If you are considering whether to sit the accreditation exam – either this year on 22 August, or in future – here are a few factors that might influence your decision. Accreditation by IPEd demonstrates your competency as an editor, both to yourself and to others....