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Event report: Finding clients, with Malini Devadas

Event report: Finding clients, with Malini Devadas

  Malini Devadas’s recent online workshop, hosted by Editors South Australia, was engaging, thought-provoking and encouraged participants to revisit their own beliefs about their editing services. A significant feature of the value-for-money three-hour session...
Reading the past

Reading the past

  What do the books on your shelves say about you? Do you keep them all and never part with any? Are they a varied representation of different stages of your life and your interests?  The other day I was gazing over our hall bookshelves, thinking about the books...
And the Janet Mackenzie Medal 2022 winner is…

And the Janet Mackenzie Medal 2022 winner is…

  IPEd is proud to announce that the winner of the 2022 Janet Mackenzie Medal (the Mackenzie) is Renée Otmar DE. The Mackenzie is IPEd’s highest award and honours the memory of revered editor, author and IPEd member Janet Mackenzie DE (1947–2018). The Mackenzie...

April 2022 EdANZ

From the president Tēnā koutou katoa, Last month I talked about what was happening behind the scenes for the branch. What I didn’t cover is that IPEd Accreditation Board members (including our delegate, Helen Bradford) are busily bringing together all the elements of...

April 2022 EdWA

New members We are pleased to welcome the following new members to Editors WA:  Associates  – Jane Mummery and Michelle Smith Students – Lindie Naude We welcome you to the branch and look forward to meeting you all at our events and workshops. If you have questions or...