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September 2024 Editors Victoria

September 2024 Editors Victoria

President’s report by Margaret Trudgeon AE Where did winter go? We seem to have skipped part of it and landed in spring, with blossoms blooming everywhere and many of the trees either in bud or bursting out their new leaves. August was a month of exams and...
Event report: Biotext content design

Event report: Biotext content design

By Kylie Howard, Editors Victoria events officer The term “content design” is familiar to many editors, yet a lot of us are bewildered by what it actually is, not to mention the role that editors can play in it. And so, on 20 August 2024, we were delighted...
September 2024 Editors NSW

September 2024 Editors NSW

From the committee By Carolyn Page AE The Editors NSW Branch Committee met on 13 August 2024 via Zoom, with two apologies and one absence. Minutes of the August committee meeting were accepted with no amendments and actions from previous meetings were dealt with. Dr...
September 2024 Editors Aotearoa New Zealand

September 2024 Editors Aotearoa New Zealand

President’s report By Deborah Shaw AE Save the date: the EdANZ annual branch meeting (ABM) will be on Tuesday 1 October at 7pm. The ABM is your chance to hear all about what the committee has been doing over the past 12 months and what we have planned for the...
Vale Allan Watson

Vale Allan Watson

By Michèle Drouart On Sunday 7 July, the editing community lost a friend and supporter, who died following a brief illness at the age of 94. Allan Watson had been a member of the Society of Editors WA (SOEWA) since shortly after its inception in the 1990s. He had...