From the committee
by Paul Anderson and Dr Robert Rowe
The EdNSW branch committee met on 11 May for its monthly meeting via Zoom, with two apologies.
Reports received included the branch’s financial report for March 2021, budget commentary, meeting schedule and membership. The financial position of the branch remains on track and on budget. The Director’s update and Accreditation Board delegate’s report were also received.
Our speaker presentation on 4 May was Creating clarity in the workplace: the rise of plain English, presented by Patricia Hoyle, Director of Concise Writing Consultancy. Participants learnt how plain English editors and writers can be agents of change in the workplace. Patricia wrapped up with five important lessons based on her extensive business experience. A recording of the meeting is available for online purchase (and free if you paid to attend). (A report on the session is also available in this issue of Gatherings.)
By the time this is published, those branch members who could make it into Sydney’s CBD will have joined with members of the committee for the drinks night on 26 May. We have begun planning for the biannual dinner in July. Look out for your invitation once we finalise the venue.
Nine new members joined the branch in April. Welcome to you all — a total of 377 branch members at month’s end.
Maureen Shelley has resigned from the committee and the Mentoring Program delegate role. The committee warmly thanks Maureen for her contribution and invites members to nominate for this vacant position (contact for details if you are interested). IPEd’s Mentoring Program for editors was the topic of our speaker presentation in March.
Members can soon nominate for a range of positions on the new 2021–22 committee, to be filled at our Annual Branch Meeting (ABM) in August.
And finally, if you enjoy State of Origin then you might like this: an EdsQ v EdNSW fun debate planned for Wednesday 4 August via Zoom. We are seeking expressions of interest from branch members for the EdNSW team. Please contact Susie Pilkington at if you are interested in being a debater or have a topic suggestion for debate (a broad-based editing question).
The EdNSW committee needs you
by Julie Ganner AE
We have now begun planning for our ABM on Tuesday 10 August. One ABM function is to elect a committee for the following 12 months and we hope more of you may be willing to join us this year.
We will send out a call for committee nominations soon, including a list of the committee positions available, so please consider volunteering some time to help us. This year we are creating some extra positions, including smaller roles to support the running of our events, so you can take on as much or as little responsibility as you feel able.
Being part of our committee is a great way to make new friends in the editing community, learn a lot more about all areas of our profession and support IPEd’s work along the way. Many hands make light work, so the more volunteers we get, the more events and services we can offer without overburdening anyone. Our events and meetings are all conducted remotely, via Zoom, so you don’t need to live in Sydney to join in the fun.
If you can spare a few hours each month and are interested in helping us, please look out for our email. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Welcome to new members
by Kaaren Sutcliffe AE
EdNSW is pleased to welcome the following new members:
Professional: Anthony Louis Podberscek
Associate: Matthew Tighe; Janice Wormworth; Samantha Hinderling; Rebecca Howe; Sean Muir
Student: Elizabeth Simpson
Editors out to lunch
by Angela Damis AE
It was a diverse group that made its way through the April autumn sunshine for lunch at Yulli’s vegan restaurant in Crown Street, Surry Hills.
Although the venue is near the light rail, it was heartening to see some people make the trek on foot from Central or the CBD to join fellow EdNSW members for a fairly rare central Sydney group lunch. We had academic and general editors, an ex-writing tutor, translators, a PhD student in literature (and budding editor), a first-time novelist and an editor-turned-budding memoirist. Obviously we all share a love of the written word and enjoyed swapping stories about what we are all up to, over a leisurely lunch.

[Photo credit: Sara Kitaogi]
Member meetings
Member meetings will continue to be held via Zoom.
Members are urged to check their email for the latest information on any event.
Bookings via the IPEd Events webpage.
Editors’ lunch
Date: Thursday 24 June 2021
Time: 12.30pm
Location: King Tide Café, 9 Dangar Rd, Brooklyn
Details: This is a short walk from Hawkesbury River station, just over an hour by train from Central station. RSVP by Monday 7 June to
Mid-year dinner
Date: One evening in July 2021
Time: TBA
Location: TBA
Details: Keep an eye on your emails as we investigate a suitable date and venue to get together.
Watch your email for details of these and other networking gatherings.