Branch President seeks your opinion
We are nearing the end of winter and with the promise of warmer weather I am looking forward to meeting with you again in person, restrictions permitting. Your SA branch committee is working on events for the rest of this year, and we would love your feedback on a few things. If you’ve been to our online events, how did you find them? If you have not been to an online event, is there something we could do to make it easier for you to participate? How are you feeling about returning to in-person events, with distancing and other measures in place? Do you prefer online or in-person events, or maybe a mix of both?
As a branch, we have an opportunity now to reshape how we run social and professional development events. My hope is that this will make it easier for more people, and especially members who find it hard to attend our weeknight events in Adelaide, to access the full range of benefits IPEd brings and enable us all to build better connections throughout the editing community. If you would like to share any feedback on past events or ideas for future events with the branch committee, please contact me at
Lauren Bevilacqua is the Editors SA Branch President. Contact her at
[Photo credit: Lauren Bevilacqua]
Welcome to new members
A warm welcome to our new Associate Members Philippa Sawle and Monica Hart.
We hope you enjoy being part of Editors SA and take advantage of IPEd’s networks. We look forward to seeing you at our workshops and other events throughout the year. Familiarise yourself with Zoom to get the most out of 2020’s offering — there will be a lot more distance events this year.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. The IPEd newsletter will keep you informed of EdSA and IPEd-wide news and events. These are all good forums for socialising and networking and, of course, provide opportunities to build your knowledge and expertise.
Get involved and don’t be shy! We are thrilled to have you on board.
Upcoming events
Our Annual Branch Meeting is coming up at the end of August, with event details coming soon. Follow us on social media, and keep an eye on your emails for the latest updates.
Are you interested in being more actively involved with Editors SA? Please consider joining the Editors SA committee for 2021. It is a great opportunity to network, learn from other editors and to get involved in planning the future of Editors SA.
Communications report
by Lauren Pitman
Get in touch!
If you would like to send in a piece to be published in the newsletter or on social media, please email Lauren at Your submission could be in text, a photo or series of photos, or you could record a video — it’s up to you! Get in touch to have a chat, and I can provide more questions and ideas.
Visit us on social media, like and follow our pages, and share our events. Find Editors SA on Facebook and Twitter.
Editors SA is now on LinkedIn too.

Lauren Pitman is an Editors SA Branch Committee member and the Communication and Marketing Coordinator. Contact her at
[Photo credit: Lauren Pitman]