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SMSG is now a standing committee

IPEd’s Style Manual Steering Group (SMSG) is set to take on an ongoing role as the Style Manual Standing Committee (SMSC).

With the Australian Government’s digital Style Manual now publicly available to all, the SMSG’s specific purpose of negotiating with the government over the long-awaited 7th edition of the Style manual for authors editors and printers, now superseded by the digital manual, has come to a close. It was formally created in 2015, with strong guidance provided by the late Janet Mackenzie DE, and chaired over the years by Rowena Austin AE and Kerry Davies AE.

The new standing committee will work with the Accreditation Board and the Communications Standing Committee to monitor and/or review the ongoing development of the government manual, the Australian Manual of Style and other style manuals, including a potential guide for editors of fiction and narrative non-fiction, as well as IPEd’s in-house style and broad style issues. Its terms of reference will be drawn up soon.

Kerry Davies
SMSC Chair