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From the President

The past couple of years have been weird, to say the least. From a language perspective it’s been an interesting time. I didn’t expect PPE to become a common term and phrases like viral load and herd immunity to no longer require explanation. We’re not out of the woods yet, but it does feel like there are a few rays of light on the horizon.

I think as editors we’re uniquely equipped for coping with extended periods of isolation. I definitely feel that my lifetime of introversion and love of craft have prepared me well for social distancing, lockdown and avoiding crowded places.

In EdsQ we are sticking with online member meetings for now, with some in-person social activities when conditions allow, for those keen to see someone in the flesh. Sadly, we had to cancel our January picnic again, but our events team (Ian, Kayt and Anne) continue to be amazing and have already scheduled most of the year’s events. Check out the EdsQ Facebook group for Kayt’s events previews or book online via the IPEd website.

I hope you’re coping well and have enough work. (I reckon two years of lockdowns is enough time for there to be a glut of writers with fresh manuscripts.) If you’re not, and you need someone to talk to, reach out to some fellow IPEders for a Zoom (or a crafterZoom, even) or join in one of the online catch ups.

Stay safe,
Christine Atkinson
EdsQ President