February 2023
Vol. 4 No. 1 | ISSN: 2652-5836
Feature article

IPEd Editors Conference workshop program confirmed – capped at 30 spots each
We’re pleased to announce that the workshop program for the 11th IPEd Editors Conference has been confirmed. These professional development intensives can help kickstart or futureproof your editing career.

IPEd news

2023 IPEd Student Prize winner announced
The 2023 IPEd Student Prize has been awarded to Lauren Connell, a student in the Master of Writing & Publishing program at RMIT University.

Client guidelines: Working with self-employed editors
The deadline for feedback on the second version of the draft Client guidelines has been extended to 13 March 2023. We’re chasing feedback from the perspective of editor or client.

CEO’s message
When we first decided on the theme of the 11th IPEd Editors Conference two years ago, we had no idea that ChatGPT would dominate the headlines in 2023. So it’s timely that the theme of our conference is “Futureproofing the editing profession”. We’ve got a stellar line-up of speakers and workshops.

The value of renewing your accreditation
Accreditation has value for both freelance and employee editors. It adds lustre to your business profile and could also make the difference to your case for promotion, a pay rise or a job change, among other benefits.

News from the Accreditation Board – next exam date and new AB line-up
The IPEd Accreditation Board has now set the date of the next accreditation exam as Monday 12 August 2024. We encourage potential candidates to start planning early.

Books without barriers
The review phase for the manuscript of Books without barriers, the new illustrated guide to creating accessible publications, is now complete. We are on track to publish in time for the IPEd conference in May.

IPEd at Genrecon 2023
Four IPEd members were speakers and panellists at Genrecon, the largest conference in the southern hemisphere dedicated to genre writers. Queensland branch members Geneve Flynn and Lauren Elise Daniels, who both featured in the jam-packed program, share their experiences.

General interest
Proofreader panic: What to do when you’ve messed up with a client
How to salvage the relationship and your reputation when you’ve messed up with a client – a freelancer shares her tips from a formative experience early on in her career and how it re-established trust and led to a repeat client.
Australia Day Honour for Victorian Honorary Life Member Vane Lindesay
Editors Victoria is delighted that one of our Honorary Life Members, Vane Lindesay, has been awarded a Medal of the Order of Australia as part of the 2023 Australia Day Honours for service to literature as a cartoonist, illustrator and writer.
Cryptic crossword no. 19 – The little Aussie crossword edition
Test your knowledge of some Aussie idioms with our crossword!
Event report: Editors as fiction writers – a special event
EdVic’s speaker event on 27 October 2022 took the form of a panel activity intended to showcase some of the work of its member writers.
11th IPEd Editors Conference
Date: Tuesday 2 May to Tuesday 9 May 2023
Location: Online via Zoom
Book: here
Making the most of your entry in the Editors Directory
Date: Friday 3 March 2023, 1.00 to 12.30 pm AEST
Location: Online via Zoom
Book: here
EdVic: “Boost your brand with your first blog” with Erin Brenner (speaker event)
Date: Friday 3 March 2023, 12.00 pm (noon) to 1.00 pm AEDT
Location: Online via Zoom
Book: here
EdSA: Adelaide Writers Week breakfast
Date: Saturday 4 March 2023, 8.00 am ACDT
Cost: Pay for own breakfast at venue
Location: Lounders Boatshed Cafe, 1018 Adelaide Drive, Adelaide SA 5000
Book: here
EdVic: Zoom Cuppa: Editing poetry – Nothing to be scared of!
Date: Thursday 23 March 2023, 11.00 am AEDT
Location: Online via Zoom
Book: here
EdWA: Accessibility editing with Maureen Shelley
Date: Thursday 23 March 2023, 6:00 to 7:00pm AWST
Location: Online via Zoom
Book: here