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President’s report February 2024

By Margaret Trudgeon AE

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you managed to have a bit of a break over Christmas. I managed to sneak in a week away down to the beach around Anglesea recently, which has recharged the batteries a bit. I also decided that January is a good month to work on some mindfulness and so I have been reading the novel What you are looking for is in the library by Michiko Aoyama. A bit of calm Japanese philosophy definitely puts life into a more manageable perspective. Perhaps this book resonates with me a bit because both my parents were librarians!

January was a quiet month for EdVic while everyone recuperated from the busy year and caught up with family and friends. However, there has been some planning going on behind the scenes for events and PD workshops, cuppas and more to hopefully inspire you over the next few months.

In February (21 and 28), Nadine Davidoff will be holding a workshop on point of view in fiction. It will be held via Zoom, but there are plans for it to be delivered in person at a later date too (read more about the workshop in our interview with Nadine in this issue of Gatherings). On 7 March, there is a social outing to see Dictionary of Lost Words at the Arts Centre. EdVic will organise to meet at a restaurant for dinner beforehand, with interested attendees asked to buy their own tickets to the show.

We’ll have more details to share with you on other events soon.

Last week I heard some sad news that Jim Hart has passed away. If you’ve ever dipped into a Lonely Planet travel book, you may be interested to know that Jim was their first business manager back in the early days of the company in the 1980s, when it was run by Maureen and Tony Wheeler. He also had a strong connection with Editors Victoria and was editor of the newsletter for a while in the 1970s, also writing articles. We’ll be working on a review of his life and association with Editors Victoria, and we will reproduce some of his articles in coming newsletters.

If you haven’t read it already, our new Communications subcommittee member Sophia Chan wrote an engaging article for the December edition of Gatherings on her experience of helping to edit the RMIT anthology.

I wish you all a productive and enjoyable 2024!

New members

Associate members

  • Antonietta Anello
  • Ana Teona Tinc

Student/graduate members

  • Abbie Gatherum