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August 2020
Vol. 1 No. 5 | ISSN: 2652-5836

Feature Article

Janet Mackenzie Medal winner

IPEd presents inaugural Janet Mackenzie Medal winner
IPEd has presented its most prestigious award, the Janet Mackenzie Medal, to Elizabeth Manning Murphy DE.

Canberra-based Elizabeth is Principal of Elizabeth M Murphy & Associates and an author, editor, trainer, mentor and business consultant.
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IPEd News

Profile: Christine Atkinson

Profile: Queensland Branch President Christine Atkinson
When and why did you join IPEd?
I joined IPEd in 2015 after being made redundant from my communications job and feeling a burning need to network with editors. I’d meant to join for a few years but that was the kick in the pants I needed.
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CEO Karen Lee reveals strategic plan

CEO Karen Lee reveals strategic plan
Welcome to the August issue of Gatherings.
It is another issue filled with varied information of interest across the membership. Thanks to the volunteers who provide content to ensure an excellent issue every month.
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IPEd tackles uni fee increases

IPEd tackles Education Minister about uni fee increases
IPEd CEO Karen Lee has written to federal Education Minister Dan Tehan, on our board’s behalf, about the proposal to drastically increase university fees for students in the areas of the arts, society and culture, law, economics, creative arts and communications.
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2021 Conference update

2021 conference update
Thanks to everyone who completed the survey on the 2021 conference and provided feedback on the possibility of delivering some or all of the program online.
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Accreditation exam venues

Accreditation exam venues
The Accreditation Board has released additional information regarding venues for sitting the 2020 accreditation exam.
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Expressions of interest sought

Expressions of interest sought
IPEd Professional Member Joan Rosenthal is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) from members who may be qualified to take on some or all of her client portfolio as she transitions to retirement.
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General Interest

Tax tips for small business
Editors SA invited Lauren Thiel from the Real Thiel back for an encore Zoom presentation on navigating tax returns, focusing on simple tips for small businesses. 
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This time 10 years ago … Scrabble tips
As we are spending more time at home this year, most of us will be turning to board games to while away the hours. Scrabble is a personal favourite, and this time 10 years ago the Editors SA June meeting had member Michael Vnuk speak on his passion, Scrabble.
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Why American spelling is so different
Recently, the Merriam-Webster dictionary added ‘irregardless’ to its ranks of acceptable words; given that dictionaries tend to be more descriptive rather than prescriptive when it comes to language, this is not a huge surprise. 
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My 10 favourite English grammar, linguistic and writing podcasts
I have always loved words and learning about grammar and linguistics. Over the past few years, I have discovered the joy of listening to entertaining podcasts.
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Cryptic crossword No. 3
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Upcoming training: Managing your business data with The Editor❜s Affairs (TEA)
The admin side of freelancing can seem daunting for many self-employed editorial professionals. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by questions like: When should I raise my rates?
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Graphic, essential; text, supportive: the image and text relationship in a graphic novel
At an EdsQ meeting, Dr Cath Appleton introduced participants to the world of the graphic novel, where images take primary place over text, and the visual storytelling format lends itself well to sharing personal tales. 
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EdsQ: Annual Branch Meeting
Wednesday 5 August 2020, 6.45pm
Book here.

EdANZ: Q&A session for new editors in Aotearoa New Zealand
 Monday 10 August, 7.30pm
Book here.

EdVic: Upcoming training: Managing your business data with The Editor’s Affairs (TEA)
Thursday 27 August 2020 11am AEST
Book here.

EdNSW: Australian Manual of Style (AMOS)
 Tuesday 1 September 2020, 7pm AEST
Booking link to come.

EdNSW: Sensitivity readers
Tuesday 6 October 2020, 7pm AEDT
Booking link to come.