Accreditation exam, resources and workshops update
The Accreditation Board (AB) has set Saturday 5 December 2020 as the new date for the 2020 accreditation exam and re-opened registrations. Read more.
We have also added a new sample KNOWLEDGE part to the set of sample exams that candidates can use for practice and updated the Guide for candidates.
Exam prep workshops using the AB’s standardised syllabus are now being rolled out so keep an eye out for specific notices. The AB is running online workshops for candidates in locations where an in-person branch workshop is not available. Currently the planned branch and online workshops are as follows:
- Adelaide candidates: in-person workshop (Editors SA)
- Brisbane candidates: in-person workshop in September (Editors Qld)
- Canberra candidates: in-person workshop (Canberra Society of Editors)
- Sydney candidates: in-person workshop in September (Editors NSW)
- Victoria candidates: online workshop series in August/September (AB)
- New Zealand, Tasmania, Western Australia and regional/remote candidates: online workshop series in July (AB) – this is full but we will waitlist registrants in case of cancellations.
Queries about anything related to the exam or accreditation generally should be directed to the AB Chair or the relevant branch delegate.