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Call for presenters: IPEd conference Hobart June 2021

Tasmania is an island, a collection of islands: 334 to be exact.

On the edges: political, social, emotional. Edges of ocean, sky, earth, society. Cut from the southern fringe of an island continent, at 42 degrees south, girt by the wildness and wind of the Southern Ocean. It’s not so far to the edge of Antarctica, yet our climate is temperate, cool and comfortable. A long tradition of storytelling is fed by our place; by a deep Indigenous history; by a penal system that banished souls to the edge of the world. Today, a culture of art and literature flourishes.

On the edges.

For this conference, we are seeking interpretations of how the concepts of writing, editing and the edge interact. Where does the edge of your editing practice lie? Is it governed by the genres in which you work, the place where you work, the society in which you live? Have you reached an edge that needs to be breached and rebuilt? Do you find a different interpretation of what an edge is, or what your edge is, depending on where or how you live and work?

On 28 June, our program has scope for half and full-day workshops. On 29 and 30 June we will offer concurrent 40-minute sessions, each made up of a 30-minute presentation, which could be a single paper or a panel discussion, followed by 10 minutes of questions from the audience. If you are proposing a panel discussion, your submission should identify other panel members.

Workshop presenters will receive a modest fee; other presenters will be entitled to a reduced conference registration. Conference proceedings will be published shortly after the end of the conference.

Submissions must be received by Friday 4 September 2020 via the conference website.

Conference 2021