July 2023
Vol. 4 No. 6 | ISSN: 2652-5836
Feature article

Susie Pilkington, the now ex-EdNSW Administrative officer, retired at the end of June. In no small tribute, here are some reflections from Susie to mark her 14 years of service.

IPEd news

CEO’s message
Welcome to the July issue of Gatherings.
We’re pleased to be able to bring you the news that IPEd is not raising membership fees for the 23/24 financial year.

Accessibility and the accreditation exam
Accessibility and inclusion are incredibly important, and the Accreditation Board (AB) has several measures in place, and is exploring others, to make the accreditation exam as accessible as possible.

The 2024 Mackenzie nominations open soon
The nomination period for the 2024 Janet Mackenzie Medal (the Mackenzie), IPEd’s most prestigious award, will open on 1 August 2023.

News from the Accessibility Initiative Working Party
Books without barriers continues to be well received, with further articles by ArtsHub and the international newsletter Publishing Perspectives following a media release by IPEd last month.

University funding for thesis editing
If you’ve edited a few PhD theses, you’ll probably be aware that students are sometimes able to get help from their university to pay for this. IPEd’s Standing Committee on Academic Editing (SCAE) was keen to look into this further, and recently conducted a desktop review of relevant university policies

Getting involved with IPEd’s ambitious Professional Development program
Would you love a backstage pass to some of the best training and most interesting speakers an editor could dream of? You’re in luck! IPEd is currently recruiting Professional Development (PD) volunteers.

Introducing our new Communications Officer!
We speak with IPEd’s new Communications Officer, Kirby Fenwick, and find out what led her to IPEd, what part of the role she’s most excited about, and her life outside IPEd.

General interest
Event report: An update on the Australian Government Style Manual
Australian public servants Leanne Manthorpe and Susan Baird were our guest co-presenters for an online presentation hosted by EdNSW.
Workshop report: “Editing narrative nonfiction” with Nadine Davidoff
Nadine Davidoff ran her session on editing narrative nonfiction as part of the Editors Victoria professional development offering.
Upcoming workshop on using LinkedIn and Instagram to grow your freelance editing business
Dr Malini Devadas is running a session online on Zoom to help you conquer LinkedIn and Instagram and build your social media strategy.
Crossword 19 by Jane Fitzpatrick
Branch news
EdNSW: Members’ mid-year dinner
Date: Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Time: 6.30 pm drinks and 7.00 pm dinner service
Location: Primi Italian, 168 Clarence Street, Sydney 2000
Details: A feast of shared entrees followed by alternate drops of chicken scallopini and lamb shanks for the main course. Vegetarian and other dietary options – request on the booking form.
Cost: $80 members; $90 non-members. (Includes dinner and a raffle ticket for a chance to win some lovely literary prizes. Guests will purchase their own drinks at the bar.)
Bookings: Via the member portal.
EdVic: Grammar refresher with Linda Nix, AE (training course)
Date: Tuesday 18 July and Tuesday 25 July
Time: 09.30 am to 1.30 pm AEST (two-part course)
Location: online via Zoom
Book: SOLD OUT – to go on the waiting list for the planned repeat session email EdVic Professional Development Officer Caroline Arnoul edvic.profdev@iped-editors.org
EdVic: Editors Victoria Annual Branch Meeting
Date: Thursday 20 July
Time: 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm AEST
Location: online via Zoom
Book: Via the member portal.
EdVic: Understanding The Voice. How it can benefit everyone (speaker event)
Date: Thursday 20 July
Time: 7.30 pm to 8.45 pm AEST
Location: online via Zoom
Book: Via the member portal.
Note – access to this session is free and automatic for EdVic members who have booked for the ABM.
SCPD: Social media for editors with Malini Devadas (training course)
Date: Friday 21 July
Time: 10.00 am to 1.00 pm AEST
Location: online via Zoom
Book: Via the member portal.
EdNSW: Annual Branch Meeting
Date: Tuesday, 1 August 2023
Time: 6.45 pm for 7.00 pm start, then to 8.30 pm AEST
Location: Online via Zoom; the Zoom link will be sent in the confirmation email
Details: Interview with Garth Nix and ABM. Open to EdNSW members only. This event will not be recorded.
Cost: Free
Bookings: Via the member portal.
Bookings close: Sunday 30 July 2023
EdNSW: Editing work with government departments
Date: Tuesday, 5 September 2023
Time: 6.45 pm for 7:00 pm AEST
Location: Online via Zoom
Details: A panel discussion event. More details closer to the date.
Presenters: Louise Merrington and Tristan Viscarra Rossel
Book: Via the IPEd Events webpage.