In the ideal world, your inbox would be full of enquiries without you having to do any proactive marketing activities. You would have lots of former clients who refer others to you. You would be part of networks of ideal clients where people know you and what you do (e.g. former colleagues). You would be discoverable by people who are searching for an editor, by optimising your website and listing in directories.
But, if you have done lots of those things and still aren’t getting enough enquiries, you might need to get in front of other people’s audiences or even create your own.
Enter social media. LinkedIn and Instagram, in particular.
A lot of editors don’t want to use social media to find clients. They feel sleazy trying to sell things. They don’t know what to post about. And they are worried about what their friends, family or colleagues will think about them if they start sharing selfies online. But selling is a service. You are trying to help people who want to put their best writing out into the world. And there is nothing wrong with that.
On 21 July, Dr Malini Devadas is running a session online on Zoom to help you conquer LinkedIn and Instagram and build your social media strategy. In this three-hour workshop, Malini will help you create a marketing strategy that is relevant to your business and that you can start implementing straight away. You’ll learn:
- the fundamentals of marketing a freelance editing business
- why LI and IG are the best social media marketing platforms in 2023
- how to create content that encourages the right people to contact you.
As a freelance editor, it is your responsibility to find clients. Until you get a big enough network to have enquiries coming in passively, you need to take proactive marketing action.
About the trainer

Dr Malini Devadas is a marketing mindset coach.
Dr Malini Devadas is a marketing mindset coach who helps editors value their time and skills so that they feel confident enough to start marketing. She has been a professional editor since 2004, has completed two certifications in life/mindset coaching and has studied marketing with some of the biggest names in the business. She now uses her knowledge and experience to help editors overcome their mindset blocks and create a strategy that actually works so that they can find more clients, earn more money and have more time for fun.
Social Media for Editors: How to use LinkedIn and Instagram to find clients
Date: Friday 21 July 2023
Time: 10.00 am to 1.00 pm AEST
Location: Online via Zoom
Bookings: Via the member portal