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During March, April and May, the IPEd Accreditation Board has been busy running workshops to prepare potential candidates for this year’s accreditation exam to be held on 22 August.

If you’re planning to sit the exam this year but you missed the first two rounds of workshops, don’t despair – we are running a final set of workshops in June. This third round comprises four individual sessions – one webinar and three workshops. The webinar has already been held (recording available soon) but there are still places in the Language part workshop, Knowledge part workshop and Manuscript part workshop.

The first two rounds consisted of three 2-hour online workshops, each focusing on the content of one part of the exam (Language, Knowledge and Manuscript). They included practical exercises to test editing knowledge and skills using exam-format PDF and Word files with questions similar to those asked in the exam.

Each session also provided guidance on exam structure and marking, and presented useful exam strategies, including preparation, time management and effective use of digital and hardcopy resources. This content will be combined into one separate session for the June workshop series.

Feedback received from participants after the first series of workshops was very positive. They praised the presenters as “clear and knowledgeable”, “friendly, inclusive and approachable”, and “prepared and careful in their answering of questions while still being open, honest and real”. Participants appreciated the “great mix of information and active practice” and said they “found it easy to ask questions and not feel silly”.

Participants came away from the workshop feeling either more confident that they were ready to sit the exam:

  • “I feel confident I will pass.”
  • “I feel more confident about sitting it as I now know what to expect and also that my skills are generally up to standard.”

or equipped with more knowledge about gaps in their skills that they needed to study:

  • “The activities gave me a good idea of where my skills are at in relation to the exam, and the areas I need to work on.”
  • “The workshops helped clarify what my next steps in studying for the exam should be.”
  • “I was definitely given a reality check, but not so much that I want to pull out. It made me realise how much study I will need to do.”
  • “The workshop has allowed me to make a clear study plan and given me greater knowledge of my strengths and weaknesses.”

Overall, participants seemed to agree that the workshops had covered all they needed to know about the exam and how to prepare for it. And besides that, as one participant said, “A jolly time was had by all.”

So if you’re still debating whether you’re ready to sit this year’s exam, why not book your spot in the June workshops via the IPEd member portal now?


By the IPEd Accreditation Board