From the committee
On the evening of Wednesday 3 May, Editors Tasmania held its conference dinner at the historic Crescent Hotel, North Hobart, with a company of seven. We enjoyed wholesome meals and lively conversation about the conference so far, which some of us were attending, as well as many other topics. Gordon’s quiz on etymology was both entertaining and educational.
Clockwise: John Rosendale, Sabine Borgis, Gordon Campbell AE, Kristin Campbell, Kees Wegman, Sheelagh Wegman AE, Alex Sutherland. Photo: Kristin Campbell.

Stall at Tassie Indie Author Book Fair
Once again, Editors Tasmania held a stall at the annual Tassie Indie Author Book Fair on Saturday 13 May at the Brooke Street Pier on the Hobart waterfront. This was a fantastic opportunity to represent the editing profession and talk with self-publishing authors directly, some of whom may never have engaged with an editor. It also gave emerging and first-time authors the opportunity to ask basic questions, such as: “I’ve written a novel. What do I do now and how does it work?”; “How much does it cost to have my manuscript edited?”; or “How do I find an editor?” Of course, to some of these questions the answer is necessarily “it depends”, but it starts a conversation and can also be an opportunity to dispel myths, manage expectations or encourage. The IPEd information leaflets and bookmarks we handed out, as well as our display of “Manuscript to Masterpiece”, proved valuable resources. Apart from authors we were also approached by a prospective editor, a translator looking for a way into translating literary works, and a graphic designer.