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Resources for academic editors

The Standing Committee on Academic Editing (SCAE) has developed resources for academic editors which are now available in the members-only section of the website here.

The resources include:

  • a two-page sample agreement for thesis editing with notes on how to use it
  • resources on quotes and agreements, verb tense and plagiarism.

Other resources being developed include:

  • an article on the value of academic editing with examples, for potential clients for the IPEd website
  • a resource on the extent of editing referencing lists for the members-only section of the website.

The committee also reviews the IPEd Discussion Forum posts at each meeting and seeks feedback from members on priorities for other academic editing resources. Contact the committee via

A recent resource from the committee is the article in Gatherings in October 2020 on the federal government’s legislation to deter academic cheating services, available here.

Dr Rhonda Daniels AE, SCAE member