From the committee
By Paul Anderson and Russell Noakes
We wish all our members a happy new year.
The EdNSW committee met on 10 January for its monthly meeting via Zoom, with four apologies.
Minutes of the November 2022 committee meeting were accepted and actions from previous meetings reviewed.
Written reports received included:
- Accreditation Board delegate
- branch budget commentary with financial outcomes to 31 December 2022
- branch financial report for November 2022
- IPEd branch presidents’ meeting notes (prepared by our attendee to the meeting in December 2022)
- member liaison
- mentoring
- presentations schedule.
The committee thanks Dr Linda Nix AE for her invaluable work for the Accreditation Board (AB). Linda has stood down as Chair, as planned, after four years of service in the role – a significant contribution. Linda remains our delegate to the AB for the time being.
Our next speaker presentation is on 7 February: How to grow one’s freelance editing business”. Linda Nix AE and Jess Fox AE will be panellists for a discussion moderated by Kai Jensen, our presentations coordinator. There has been a change to our April speaker event: Sally Asnicar will present on “Self-care and business self-care for editors”.
The Standing Committee for Professional Development has a busy schedule of workshops planned for this year. The committee has provided its input.
Thanks to those members who were able to join us for our annual end-of-year dinner in Sydney in December 2022.
Two new IPEd members joined the branch in December 2022, both associate members. The committee congratulates the six members from the New South Wales branch who passed the 2022 accreditation exam.
The next committee meeting is scheduled for 14 February.
From the committee
By Paul Anderson and Russell Noakes
The EdNSW committee met on 14 February for its monthly meeting via Zoom, with no apologies.
Minutes of the January committee meeting were accepted and actions from previous meetings reviewed.
Written reports received included:
- Accreditation Board delegate
- branch budget commentary with financial outcomes to 31 January
- branch financial reports for December 2022 and January 2023
- IPEd board and branch presidents’ meeting report (prepared by our attendee to the meeting in February)
- member liaison
- mentoring
- networking
- presentations schedule.
We are delighted to announce IPEd member Louise Merrington AE will be our new delegate to the Accreditation Board (AB). The committee looks forward to working with Louise.
Dr Linda Nix AE will hand over the role in April.
Our speaker presentation on 7 February was a panel discussion and attracted 100 registrants. Linda Nix AE and Jess Fox AE shared their insights on “How to grow one’s freelance editing business”. Thank you, Linda and Jess. A recording of the meeting will be available for online purchase (and free if you paid to attend). We will host another panel discussion event later this year.
Our next speaker presentation will be on 4 April. Sally Asnicar will present on “Self-care and business self-care for editors”.
The 11th IPEd Conference is coming up (2 to 9 May). We will organise a branch dinner event for 3 May to coincide with the conference. The aim is to provide members who are able to attend an opportunity to discuss proceedings, as well as being a good excuse to network.
Two new IPEd associate members joined the branch in January.
The next committee meeting is scheduled for 14 March.
Blue Mountains lunch
By Margie Tubbs
A group of eight IPEd members gathered for lunch in the Blue Mountains on Thursday 17 November 2022. Four intrepid souls made the trip from Sydney (Susan McKerihan, Susie Pilkington, Louise Scahill and Deborah Singerman) and were joined by four locals (Denise Holden, Katherine McLeod, Juliet Richters and Margie Tubbs). The historic Alexandra Hotel at Leura proved to be a wonderful venue and lunch came at the right price – the scrumptious woodfired pizzas are 2 for 1 on Thursdays, so we will be back again next year.
(Photograph courtesy of one of the attendees.)

By Elizabeth Beach, PhD AE
EdNSW members gathered at Foys Kirribilli in the Sydney Flying Squadron Club on 6 December 2022 for our annual end-of-year dinner. It was a perfect summer evening that saw 20 members of the branch get together for a chat, lots of laughs and a bite to eat. We started with pre-dinner drinks on the deck overlooking the fabulous Sydney Harbour at twilight, before heading inside to share our meal.
It was great to catch up with old friends and meet new colleagues. A few of us were lucky enough to score a new book or dictionary subscription and we all headed home happy and full.
We thank Hachette for donating the selection of books and Pan Macmillan for the online subscriptions to Macquarie Dictionary.
(Photograph courtesy of Caroline Hunter.)