By Tonia Grundy
What hope is there for poor souls that are pedant to the core?
If once the ‘t’s have got their cross, it leaves you wanting more,
You head back to the manuscript, enlivened and enthused,
A touch of double negatives will keep you so amused.
Fixing inconsistent facts becomes your bread and butter,
And when those ‘i’s are dotted too, your heart is all a-flutter,
You deep dive down to spelling, styles and misplaced punctuation,
And fixing all those tenses gives you so much jubilation!
Tautologies will not survive; plain English is your creed,
In both your work and private life, a style guide you do heed.
If spying grocers’ ’postrophes just chills you to the bone,
IPEd is right here to help. Relax – you’re not alone!