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From the president

By Margaret Trudgeon AE (

A few days before the Easter break, Editors Victoria held a networking lunch at Arcadia Cafe in Fitzroy. I caught up with 14 enthusiastic editors, ranging from students to seasoned freelancers, and engaged in some animated conversation about the profession, while enjoying some great food and coffee. It was refreshing to be able to chat face-to-face with everyone, and catch up on the latest news and events.

The next event I’m looking forward to is the 11th IPEd conference, “Futureproofing the editing profession” (2 to 9 May, online), which is about to kick off. Now spread over two weeks, with sessions held each morning, it should make it easier for people to attend a wider range of events. Some of the highlights I’m looking forward to include Roland Sussex’s keynote interview; catching up with the latest information on the use of AI with Martin Delahunty; and learning about “Better books: cultural intelligence and Indigenous strengths in editing” with Dr Sandra Philips. And don’t forget the Trivia Night on 2 May, hosted by our former president and trivia whiz, Stephanie Holt, with questions prepared by a team of IPEd trivia buffs, including Jane Fitzpatrick. I must brush up on my trivia in preparation! You can check out the program on the IPEd website.

As part of conference festivities, Editors Victoria is hosting an in-person evening get-together at the Emerald Peacock Level One bar, in Melbourne’s CBD, on the evening of 3 May. It will be our first in-person evening event since 2020, so I’m really looking forward to catching up again with my editor buddies, this time in a relaxed bar surrounding. We plan to have some book giveaways and door prizes on offer too. Ours is just one of many dinners being held around Australia and New Zealand on the same night to celebrate the conference. It should be lots of fun, so I hope you can make it!

In other EdVic news, Nadine Davidoff’s professional development course “Editing narrative non-fiction” on Tuesday 30 May has sold out in a matter of days. There is the possibility that a second course will be run, so if you missed out and are keen to do the course, please add yourself to the waitlist by emailing our professional development officer, Caroline Arnoul, at

See you at the conference and hopefully at the Emerald Peacock!


Editors lunch at Arcadia Cafe

Editors lunch at Arcadia Cafe. Photo credit: Claire Kelly

New members

EdVic is pleased to welcome members who have joined or upgraded since our last newsletter.

Associate members:

Rose Kennedy
Mallory Taylor

Student/graduate member:

DS Magid

We look forward to seeing you at our workshops and events and encourage you to make the most of IPEd’s networks for news and support.

New member profile: DS Magid

DS Magid

New IPEd member DS Magid. Photo credit: Keliy Anderson-Staley

Q. How long have you been an editor and how did your career begin?

A. My career as an editor began at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, USA, in the 1990s. I was hired as a technical writer and desktop publisher but was increasingly asked to translate scientific jargon into readily understandable language, so becoming an editor happened as a natural progression.

Q: What type of editing makes up the majority of your work?

A: My career as a playwright took off so I’ve been on hiatus from editing. Given the financial hits theatre took during two-plus years of COVID-related sequesters, I decided to refresh and broaden my editing skills in order to rejoin the wider job market. To that end, I’ve begun the Professional Writing and Editing (PWE) Associate Degree at RMIT.

Q: What aspect of the profession do you find most challenging?

A: Advocacy on behalf of editorial clarity versus a writer’s love of their “darlings” can be daunting. One gets there, in time, but often it’s an uphill climb. Were I to name a different kind of challenge, I’d say it’s Microsoft Word’s occasional refusal to apply proper formatting and its penchant for reformatting when not having been asked to do so.

Q: How would you like to build your skills as an editor?

A: I’d like to find an internship or part-time job to augment my studies. I’m particularly interested in literary and commercial publishing, but am open to anything.

Q: What are you looking forward to about being a member?

A: I’m excited to meet and gain knowledge from editors across diverse geographic and discipline areas, and to learn more about the publishing industry.

Upcoming EdVic training course: “Editing narrative non-fiction” with Nadine Davidoff

Date: Tuesday 30 May 2023, 10.00 am to 1.00 pm AEDT
Location: Online via Zoom
Details: This workshop will equip editors with the necessary skills to confidently assess narrative non-fiction writing
Bookings: This event is fully booked. Contact Caroline Arnoul at if you’re interested in a repeat of this course

We will examine the key concepts of successful non-fiction – such as voice, narrative propulsion, clarity, tonality and cohesion – and discuss how to frame your response so that a writer may develop these essential elements in their work.

We will look at exemplary examples of the craft, drawn from a wide range of authors, and critique writing that falls short of these benchmarks. The workshop is suitable for all editors at various stages of their careers – from those just starting out to more experienced practitioners. There are no prerequisites and participants need only bring their curious minds.


Nadine DavidoffNadine Davidoff is a freelance book editor and writing/editing teacher with extensive trade publishing experience. She has worked as a senior editor at Random House and a commissioning editor at Black Inc.

Nadine’s clients include major publishing companies and literary agents for whom she undertakes structural editing and copyediting. Nadine offers manuscript development services to established and first-time authors seeking editorial feedback before submitting their work to an agent or publisher.

Nadine has taught in RMIT’s Professional Writing and Editing course and she teaches the annual Fiction Editing Masterclass in Melbourne University’s Masters of Publishing program.

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