April 2023
Vol. 4 No. 3 | ISSN: 2652-5836
Feature article

IPEd partners with the black&write! editor internship program
We’re proud to announce that IPEd has partnered with black&write!’s editor internship program which provides professional development and networking opportunities for First Nations editors.

IPEd news

11th IPEd Editors Conference – recordings, trivia night and the earlybird rate
Our earlybird registration rate closes on 10 April – have you booked your ticket? The sessions will be recorded and available only to registrants while the workshops won’t be recorded and have a limit of 30 spaces each. Plus, test your knowledge and have fun with our trivia night!

Introducing our new deputy chair, Stephanie Holt
To many of you, she’s already a familiar face. We speak with Stephanie Holt, IPEd’s new deputy chair and Victorian director about her long association with IPEd, professional background, hobbies and new role on our board.

Improving pay and conditions for editors: Complete the MEAA publishing industry survey
IPEd’s Pay and Conditions Standing Committee has been building an evidence base to increase rates in the Book Industry Award, which sets minimum rates of pay for editors in book publishing. Here’s how you can help.

Update from the Standing Committee on Academic Editing
The Standing Committee on Academic Editing has announced a new Chair, Emily Finlay AE, and a new member, Gaye Wilson. Don’t forget, our members portal has useful resources for academic editors.

General interest
Event report: “Boost your brand with your first ever blog” with Erin Brenner
Using effective slides to frame her story from start to end, presenter Erin Brenner took the audience through her world of blogging in a calm, clear, methodical manner and shared six tips for bloggers.
Cryptic crossword no. 20
The solutions to 5 and 4 down are the partly abridged title of a classic reference work for 5a and the original author of the work. The clues at 4 and 5 down are anagrams of the author and the title. Enjoy!
Branch news
11th IPEd Editors Conference
Date: Tuesday 2 May to Tuesday 9 May 2023
Location: Online via Zoom
Book: here
Conference trivia night
Date: Tuesday 2 May (the time will be confirmed soon)
Location: Online via Zoom
Details: Please note, this trivia night is for conference registrants only. If you’re a conference registrant, please feel free to register for this fun challenge.
Book: here.
Conference progressive dinner
Date: 3 May generally; however, the date may vary depending on your branch and region
Location: Various
Details: A number of branch-organised dinners will take place to create a “progressive
dinner” during the conference. This is a great opportunity to meet up, get into the
conference mood, and swap thoughts on the conference and futureproofing our industry.
Bookings: Check for events and participating branches on the IPEd Events webpage
EdNSW: “Self-care and business self-care for editors” with Sally Asnicar
Date: Tuesday 4 April 2023, 6.45 pm (for a 7.00 pm start) to 8.00 pm AEST
Location: Online via Zoom
Book: here
EdsQ: “Structural Editing: Fiction” with Nicola O’Shea
Date: Wednesday 5 April 2023, 6.45 pm to 8.00 pm AEST
Location: Online via Zoom
Book: here
EdSA: Virtual book club
Date: Monday 17 April 2023, 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm ACST (Adelaide)
Location: Online via Zoom
Book: here
An update on the Australian Government style manual (speaker presentation)
Date: Tuesday 16 May 2023, 6.45 pm for a 7.00 pm start AEST
Location: Online via Zoom
Details: TBC
Presenters: Leanne Manthorpe and Susan Baird
Bookings: TBC and will be via the IPEd Events webpage
“Accredited skills workshop: Copyediting, style sheets and author queries” with Cathy Nicoll AE
Date: Saturday 20 May 2023. 10.00 am to 5.00 pm AEST
Location: Online via Zoom
Details: This workshop focuses on the basic copyediting skills needed by all editors. Some people will find that the workshop helps them prepare them for the accreditation exam.
Book: here