From the committee
By Paul Anderson and Justine Dixon Cooper
The EdNSW committee met on 11 July for its monthly meeting via Zoom, with two apologies. Minutes of the June committee meeting were accepted with no amendments and actions from previous meetings dealt with.
Written reports received included:
- agenda for 2023 Annual Branch Meeting (ABM)
- branch budget commentary for July 2023
- mentoring
- presentations schedule for 2023
- our representative’s report from the branch presidents’ meeting of 19 June.
We finalised the agenda and related arrangements for our ABM on 1 August. Thanks to those members who nominated for the 2023–24 committee elections ahead of the ABM. The level of new interest in joining the committee was encouraging.
Dr Linda Nix’s presentation in July was very popular, with a record number of registrations for “Effectively using it: How good grammar contributes to clearer writing”. Access to the recording of Linda’s talk is available for online purchase (and free if you paid to attend). Thank you, Linda.
Our next speaker presentation will be on 5 September. Louise Merrington and Tristan Viscarra Rossel will be our panellists for a discussion on “Editing work with government departments”. This will be a good follow-up to our “Commonwealth Government departments’ use of editors” event held in 2022.
The IPEd mentoring program continues to innovate. There is currently one active mentorship involving a New South Wales mentee and four of the New South Wales mentors are coaching other IPEd members.
The next committee meeting, the first meeting of the 2023–24 committee, is scheduled for 8 August, at which committee roles will be assigned and formalised.
Winter dinner
By Paul Anderson
It was great to catch up with so many members at our winter dinner on 18 July in Sydney.
There were thirty or so of us on the night and we occupied three tables at Primi Italian Restaurant. The service was eccellente with each course seeming to just appear amid all our conversation and good company.
The winter dinner is one of EdNSW’s traditional annual networking events and this was a new choice of venue for us. It was a good night by consensus – I for one appreciated the early mark (we were out the door by 9.30 pm).
We would like to thank Simon & Schuster and Macmillan Publishers for generously donating the selection of books and Macquarie Dictionary vouchers that we gave out as raffle prizes to lucky attendees.
This year’s dinner served another important purpose. It was an opportunity for us to send off Susie Pilkington, our former Administrative officer, and to thank her for her years of service for the branch. Susie received a farewell gift from the committee, a card with enclosed tributes from various members, and a hug or two.
A selection of the tribute messages for Susie Pilkington
Published with permission
Hi Susie, it was an absolute pleasure working with you. I fondly remember collaborating with you on making the Society of Editors’ training program and the website better. And our catch-up at [City] Tattersalls Club. Thank you so much for all your support and collegiality. I wish you all the very best for the next adventure.
–Agata Mrva-Montoya
Dear Susie, thank you for all the nights and days you have given up through the many years of serving the Society of Editors (NSW) Inc. and the New South Wales branch of IPEd. I see you as the person who has held the group together through your competence and loyalty. Some of us on the committee have bumbled our way through with good intentions and ideas, but not with the structure to make these work. You have been there to guide us. I hope you now have time to do just what you want and enjoy your freer time.
–Robin Appleton HLM
Dear Susie, thank you so much for your incredible work over many years for Eds NSW and Soc Eds (NSW). Your calm presence and efficient expertise have been constants in the midst of change. While it feels like the end of an era, I look forward to seeing you at IPEd events for many years to come.
–Lilla Wendoloski AE
It’s been such a delight working with you, Susie. I’ve really appreciated your support and humour over the years, and how deeply thoughtful you have always been towards the needs of both branch and committee members. I will miss you a lot – though I hope you will still be a regular at our drinks nights and dinners! Enjoy some well-deserved time for yourself.
–Julie Ganner AE

EdNSW held their winter dinner on 18 July in Sydney. Image: Paul Anderson.