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Our membership survey about how you manage your business finances is still open. It’s a two-question survey and those who complete it go into the draw to win a book of their choice from the IPEd Bookshop. The winner’s choice of prize includes The Editor’s Companion by Janet Mackenzie, Effective Writing: Plain English at Work by Elizabeth Manning Murphy and Hilary Cadman and Manuscript to Market: The Lifecycle of Getting Your Book into Print by Susan Pierotti.

The survey is part of our efforts to improve our membership benefits and look at ways and tools that will better support members. We’re interested to know which tools and resources would be most useful to you, whether it’s professional development webinars with industry experts, access to written content covering advice on relevant topics or membership discounts for products and services that help to keep your finances organised.

Please complete the survey by 30 March 2023 to be eligible for the prize draw.