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President’s report

by Margaret Trudgeon AE

I hope everyone is surviving the blast of cold weather we’ve been experiencing lately. 

Thank you to everyone who is attending our ABM tonight, on 3 July. I hope you find it to be an interesting and informative evening, and that you enjoy the follow-on entertainment with Monique diMattina and her tales about Stella: the Miles Franklin story musical. I am really thrilled that she was able to add in a song as well. I’m certainly looking forward to seeing the final show when it hits theatres next year.

Thanks to Bridget for all the work she puts in behind the scenes. It takes quite a bit of effort to get all the committee members to write reports, sign nominations etc, and send everything out to all our members in time.

And once again, I’d like to thank all our committee members for the hard work they’ve all put in over the past year. They continue to come up with great ideas for events, PD and cuppas, and seem to have boundless energy.

At the time of going to press I am unable to formally announce the line-up of the new committee, but I’ll be announcing it in next month’s president’s report. It’s really great to see some student/graduate members joining the subcommittees too.

As our efforts have been focused on organising the ABM, and we’ve been coming to the end of the term, there isn’t a lot I can tell you regarding upcoming events and PD. However, there has been some planning going on behind the scenes.

For events, on 20 August, Editors Victoria will present Carrie deHaan from Biotext via Zoom. She will be talking about content design and how it relates to editors. It should be advertised in the Friday events bulletin soon.

There is also another proposed editors catch-up, this time in the Mitcham area sometime in August. It is still in the early stages of organisation, but keep an eye out on the socials for further details.

In PD, Caroline has been in deep discussions to organise some workshops for the second half of the calendar year. We’ll be able to fill you in in my next report.

In the meantime, stay warm!

New members

Welcome to last month’s new members.

Associate members:

  • Alex Bishop 
  • Fiona Ransom

Student and graduate members: 

  • Jihan Maree Mirza

Victorian literary events – perfect places to network

by Cecile Shanahan, Editors Victoria communication officer, freelance editor and lead curator of Bendigo Writers Festival

I recently spent a wonderful weekend in Williamstown attending the Williamstown Literary Festival (Willy Lit Fest). It was my first time attending this event, but it won’t be my last. Congratulations to all the people involved in programming, planning and putting on the weekend of thought-provoking and entertaining conversations. 

One session I attended at Willy Lit Fest was about publishing in the 21st century and featured authors who were published by traditional publishers or indie publishers – or both. All the authors spoke about the importance of editors and how outsourcing editing to an expert had improved their writing (and publication chances and subsequent sales) immensely. 

Literary events can be a great place to meet fellow word nerds, and for fiction and nonfiction editors interested in publishing, a new space to connect with potential clients. 

Victoria hosts many literary festivals across the year and each one offers something unique. There’s the Melbourne Writers Festival in May, of course, but also many smaller but just as terrific festivals in all corners of the state. If you would like to explore Victoria, and support local events while doing so, there’s a host to choose from including: 










Editors Victoria is a friend of The Wheeler Centre, which offers its own series of literary events all year long too.

(Literary Listings is a very valuable website for all the details on these festivals and much more).