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From Sharon Lierse, ISWP Chair 

The IPEd Standards Working Party (ISWP) is excited to be in the final stages of our Standards revision.

It’s now time for IPEd members to see the result of our work over the past 2 years. This month, we’ll be inviting you to read the draft third edition and give us your feedback.

We’ll email you all the details and a link to our feedback form (on Google Forms). You’ll have 3 weeks to review the draft and let us know if you think any wording is unclear or inconsistent. We’d also love to hear from you if you’re happy with the document as it stands or have any other comments.

Once we’ve considered all member feedback, we will be a hair’s breadth away from launch – likely to happen in early 2024. We’ll keep you posted on our timeline.

I would like to thank the members of IPEd’s boards, committees and panels who have reviewed the document during the past few months – and, of course, the members of the ISWP for their tireless work.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Sharon Lierse at