From the Accreditation Board
This year’s accreditation renewal round saw 44 Accredited Editors (AEs) successfully renew their accreditation.
Two cohorts were eligible to apply for renewal in 2024: the 2009 cohort, who sat the second exam when it was still on paper and were renewing their accreditation for the third time; and the 2014 cohort, the last cohort to sit the paper exam, who were renewing for the second time. Three of the 44 renewing AEs were from the 2008 and 2018 cohorts that were due for renewal last year. The Accreditation Board allows any AEs who miss renewing in the year they are due to apply for renewal in the following year.
In the 2009 cohort, 14 of 25 eligible AEs renewed, and in the 2014 cohort, 27 of 42 eligible AEs renewed. The total of 41 renewals from an eligible pool of 67 AEs represents a renewal rate of 61%, which is below the average renewal rate of 75% across all renewal rounds since the first in 2013. However, this is not surprising since these two cohorts have all been AEs for at least a decade. Most who chose not to renew were retiring, changing roles or scaling down their involvement in the editing profession, and several said they would renew next year.

Of the 44 AEs who renewed, 41 are IPEd members, 6 are members of both IPEd and affiliate organisations (CIEP and CSE) and 3 are members of an affiliate organisation (CSE) only. All IPEd branches except Aotearoa New Zealand are represented among the renewing AEs, with two-thirds from either Editors Victoria or Editors NSW (see Figure 1). The remaining IPEd-member AEs are from Queensland, Western Australia, Tasmania and South Australia.

IPEd’s professional development offerings are an important way for AEs to stay up to date, with 91% of renewing AEs having attended or presented at IPEd workshops, seminars, speaker presentations or other training sessions during the previous five years (see Figure 2). Three-quarters had also attended or presented at conferences relevant to editing (see Figure 3).
The Accreditation Board congratulates all the renewing AEs on their commitment to their work, their professional development and the editing profession.

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