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[Photo credit: Lauren Bevilacqua]

Profile: Lauren Bevilacqua

 In this issue of Gatherings, we profile outgoing SA President Lauren Bevilacqua.

What is your current and past involvement with IPEd?
Most recently I have served as Branch President of Editors SA and have previously been a member of the branch committee, chaired the Editors SA communications subcommittee and been the SA representative on the IPEd Communications Standing Committee. Although no longer in a formal role, I still host branch events and contribute content to Gatherings.

Why are you prepared to volunteer your own time to IPEd?
I take the view that it is important to contribute to your profession and be part of shaping its future success. Even a small contribution can make a difference.

What is your current job?
I’m an independent writer and editor.

What does your role entail?
My typical day involves thinking, analysing, reading, writing, editing and drinking lots of tea. I enjoy variety in the projects I take on, but what they all have in common is connecting people, ideas and stories through good writing.

What do you do in your spare time?
For the past two years my spare time has been taken up with studying. I had to put some of my hobbies on hold while I completed a Master of Communication, but since I’ve finished studying (for now) I’ve been working on my knitting skills and getting back into cross-stitch. My pandemic project has been learning to crochet. I do cryptic crosswords, regular crosswords and like a good quiz. For exercise, I enjoy barre and ballet classes.

What are you currently reading?
I read widely and typically have a few books underway at any one time. At the moment my reading list includes Bill Bryson’s At Home, Judith Flanders’ A Place for Everything and Richard Fidler’s The Golden Maze. I’ve pre-ordered Jane Harper’s new book, The Survivors, so that will join my reading list very soon. I also have a really long list of books I want to read, which I’m frequently adding to on Goodreads.