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by Jo Vabolis AE

I’m a list maker. One list that seems to get longer each month is the list of work-related apps and programs that I plan to check out as soon as I find the time. When I signed up for Mike Lim’s presentation, I knew it would be a good opportunity to see a selection of tools in action while crossing off a few of my to-do items. 

In his short session, Mike introduced us to some familiar and not-so-familiar software and gave us a brief demonstration of each program in action. He started with a comparison of Microsoft Word versus Google Docs, highlighting similarities in their functions. 

We moved on to Draft, a browser-based app with a plain-text writing environment that allows two people’s drafts to be compared side by side. Draft seems like a good place to start a project before shifting the content elsewhere (e.g. a web page or a Word doc). 

Other apps introduced were Slack (a communication platform that allows messages and files to be sent via channels), Trello and Asana (for tackling project management in shared spaces). Mike also recommended Miro as a collaborative tool for planning website structures. 

I enjoyed this session as a taster of what’s available for enhancing my work processes, and it inspired me to revive some of my already existing logins and have a play. 

Jo Vabolis AE is the Editors SA Vice-President and Secretary.