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February 2022 EdNSW

From the committee December 2021 meeting by Paul Anderson and Russell NoakesThe EdNSW committee met on 14 December for its monthly meeting via Zoom, with two apologies. We are thrilled to announce Olivia Wroth has joined the committee as our Networking Coordinator....

December 2021 EdNSW

From the committee by Paul Anderson and Russell Noake Your committee needs you We’re hiring. Well, calling out for volunteers, in fact, for a few vacant positions on the EdNSW committee and we would love to hear from branch members interested in joining the committee...
A seasonal wishlist

A seasonal wishlist

by Elizabeth Manning Murphy DE Dear Santa: Please can I have a big pack of “normal” for Christmas? Do you feel like that? Breathing a big sigh of relief that we’ve come through a couple of years of lockdowns, terrible illnesses and many deaths through COVID-19, and...

November 2021 EdNSW

From the committee by Paul Anderson and Russell Noakes The EdNSW committee met on 12 October for its monthly meeting via Zoom, with four apologies. Minutes of the September committee meeting were accepted and actions from previous meetings reviewed. Written reports...

November 2021 EdANZ

From the President by Caroline Simpson AE Kia ora to you all. Another Annual Branch Meeting (ABM) will have been and gone by the time you read this and the first meeting for our changed committee will be on 2 November.  The old guard is thrilled to have the support of...