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October 2021 EdVic

President reviews a busy month by Stephanie Holt AE  This has been another busy month for EdVic, with a couple of Zoom cuppas, an evening Zoom cocktails, a sold-out professional development (PD) session on working with Word styles and templates and our busiest Zoom...

October 2021 EdNSW

From the committee by Paul Anderson and Russell Noakes The EdNSW committee met on 14 September for its monthly meeting via Zoom, with one apology. Minutes of the August committee meeting were accepted, and the actions from previous meetings reviewed. Written reports...
Non-fiction-editing mentorship: case study

Non-fiction-editing mentorship: case study

by Kaaren Sutcliffe AE From a mentee — I sought mentorship in developmental and structural editing because, although I had experience in copyediting and proofreading, I needed to develop the skills and confidence to zoom out to see the larger picture of writing.  As...
Renewal of accreditation — data analysis from the AB

Renewal of accreditation — data analysis from the AB

by Dr Linda Nix AE The Accreditation Board has now completed accreditation renewals for the 2011 and 2016 cohorts of AEs, and congratulates all 63 successful applicants. Some AEs did not apply to renew because they have retired, left the profession or chosen not to...
September 2021 IPEd newsletter

September 2021 IPEd newsletter

September 2021Vol. 2 No. 8 | ISSN: 2652-5836 Feature article Nominations open for IPEd’s 2022 Janet Mackenzie MedalIPEd has opened nominations for the 2022 Janet Mackenzie Medal.The award recognises a current or past IPEd Professional Member, including Honorary Life...