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September 2021 EdWA

President happy to be back On 12 August we had our Annual Branch Meeting (ABM) and the following week our first committee meeting. I’m pleased to once again represent EdWA as President and to be rejoined on the committee by Cathy Schwerin, Lerae Rowney, Catherine...

September 2021 EdsQ

President’s report by Christine Atkinson Hi all On 4 August we held the EdsQ Annual Branch Meeting (ABM) and I delivered the Annual Report, a version of which will appear in the IPEd Annual Report. The incoming EdsQ management Committee are: President –...

September 2021 EdNSW

Annual Branch Meeting (ABM) 2021 by Paul Anderson The EdNSW ABM was on 3 August 2021. More than 20 participants attended the online meeting, with no apologies. Russell Noakes, Vice-President, opened the meeting and welcomed all participants. Vice-President’s report by...

September 2021 EdANZ

EdANZ’s strategic plans pave way for future by Caroline Simpson AE Our strategy sessions are complete and we are moving torwards the next part of the process. The committee and members who have been helping behind the scenes spent two evenings, plus time in between,...

August 2021 EdsQ

President invites all to the great Oxford comma debate by Christine Atkinson Hi all Should the Oxford, Harvard or serial comma be adopted, used and applied in Australia? If you just shouted an answer, the Great debate between EdsQ (affirmative) and EdWA (negative) is...