Your EdANZ committee
Welcome to part one of our “Meet the committee” series. In this part we introduce the executive group and ex officio roles. Next month we’ll introduce the second group of committee members.
At the Annual Branch Meeting on 18 October, we are looking to fill the positions of Branch President and Board Director, which are both currently vacant, and the Branch Secretary and Training Officer roles, as Bella and Susi are stepping down.
President – position currently vacant
The Branch President plays a central role. They meet with the other branch presidents and the IPEd Board, advocate the interests of EdANZ members, welcome attendees to events and workshops, and do a lot of behind-the-scenes work to keep the branch running smoothly.
Caroline Simpson led the EdANZ committee from the branch’s inception in 2019. She stepped down in April after a busy few years working with the committee to get the branch up and running. Thank you for all your hard work, Caroline!
Secretary – Bella Mae (standing down at ABM)
Bella Mae has acted as the EdANZ Secretary since the early days of the branch. Along with keeping order in the agenda and minutes and liaising with the IPEd Secretary, the Branch Secretary has an active role in decision-making for the branch and our members.
This role is great if you have limited time but still want to be involved and in the know. If you are interested in taking on this role at the ABM and would like more information, please contact Bella (
Budget Officer – Deborah Shaw
Deborah Shaw took up the Budget Officer role in November 2021. She works with Susi Bailey, the EdANZ Training Officer, to make sure events-related expenses are forwarded to the IPEd finance team. She also tracks the branch’s expenses and earnings against the budget.
We stuck very well to our 2021–22 budget and had a successful financial year.
In March this year, Susi, Caroline and Deborah put together the branch budget for the 2022–23 financial year (following the Australian financial year of July to June). We look forward to tracking our progress during the coming year. For more information about finance matters, please contact Deborah (
Ex officio members
IPEd Board Director – position currently vacant
Each IPEd branch appoints a director to sit on the IPEd Board for a term of two years. The EdANZ IPEd Board Director contributes to overseeing the effective operation of IPEd, including ensuring we meet all our legal obligations, developing policies, approving budgets and planning for the future. The EdANZ Director attends Board meetings (every 6 weeks) to discuss issues and attends EdANZ monthly branch meetings to report on Board matters.
The position would suit someone who has experience in a similar governance role. In the case of EdANZ, the Board Director will either act as Chair of the IPEd Board or Vice Chair. This is to ensure that decisions made at board level are appropriate for Aotearoa New Zealand. More information on the IPEd Board can be found on the IPEd website.
Accreditation Board Delegate – Helen Bradford
Each IPEd branch can nominate one of its members to be its delegate on the Accreditation Board. Helen Bradford has been the EdANZ delegate since 2019 and is also the Accreditation Board’s Budget Officer. As a member of the Accreditation Board, she is involved in setting policy and helping to administer IPEd’s accreditation scheme, which includes the accreditation exam. The Accreditation Board delegate also represents the views of their branch on accreditation and supports the accreditation exam to take place in the branch area.
Aotearoa New Zealand currently has six IPEd Accredited Editors. Our branch strategy includes raising the profile of IPEd, EdANZ, the editing profession and the accreditation scheme in New Zealand. We expect in future that more organisations that employ and hire editors will look for accreditation as one of the job requirements.
If you are interested in sitting the accreditation exam in the future, please contact Helen (
Upcoming event
EdANZ Annual Branch Meeting
Date: Tuesday, 18 October 2022, 7.30 pm NZST
Details: Chair of the IPEd Board, Ruth Davies, will be the guest speaker
Bookings: To be confirmed.

The Institute of Professional Editors Limited (IPEd) is the professional association for Australian and New Zealand editors.
We acknowledge and pay our respects to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as Traditional Owners, Custodians of Country and First Nations in Australia, and to Māori as tangata whenua and te Tiriti o Waitangi partners in Aotearoa New Zealand.