From the committee
By Sabine Borgis
The Editors Tasmania committee has been discussing how we can re-establish closer contact with our membership, which has been an issue also for other branches, especially since the pandemic began. With a very small number of members on the committee and so many events on offer nationally via Zoom, we are concentrating on planning smaller events and trying to keep in touch via occasional email newsletters and Facebook posts. If you would like to join our committee, please get in touch at
Welcome to new members
We extend a warm welcome to our new member, Ross Alex Smith, and look forward to seeing you at one of our events. If I have missed any other new members, we welcome you too!
Event report – Tasmania branch Winter Solstice book chat
On Saturday 26 June 2022, six members of the Tasmania branch (and two partners) gathered in a cosy, skylit alcove on the first floor of the quaint Crescent Hotel in North Hobart for this in-person event after a long period of COVID-enforced distancing.
The attentive staff at the hotel made us feel very welcome with a good old-fashioned and genuinely home-made afternoon tea of Romesco chicken and cucumber-and-cream-cheese sandwiches, raspberry muffins, scones with jam and cream, and melting moments, served with tea and coffee.
Apart from taking the opportunity to catch up in person, we soon engaged in a lively discussion of the books we had each brought along:
- Peter McDonald, Anita’s bar (2022)
- Philip Salom, The returns (2020)
- Damien Cave, Into the rip: how the Australian way of risk made my family stronger, happier and less American (2021)
- William Langewiesche, Aloft: thoughts on the experience of flight (2010)
- Rebecca Skloot, The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks (2010)
- John Baker & Nick Place, Stalin’s wine cellar (2021)
- Tom Burgis, Kleptopia: How dirty money is conquering the world (2020)
- Paul Collins, The depopulation imperative: how many people can Earth support? (2021)
- Matthew Evans, Soil: the incredible story of what keeps the earth, and us, healthy
It was interesting to see such a keen interest in nonfiction titles. We look forward to continuing this annual winter tradition, not only to share some of our reading, but also to mingle with fellow editors in an enjoyable atmosphere.