From the CEO: Company Secretary stepping down and looking ahead to 2024
7 February 2024 | February 2024, Newsletters
Happy new year! The beginning of the year is often a time of change and that is also true for IPEd. Russell Noakes will shortly be stepping down as IPEd’s Company Secretary. Russell stepped into the role in February 2020 and has since served IPEd and its members...
CEOʼs message
10 July 2023 | July 2023, Newsletters
Welcome to the July issue of Gatherings. We’re pleased to be able to bring you the news that IPEd is not raising membership fees for the 23/24 financial year. We know that the rising cost of living is currently having a great impact on people’s finances, and...
CEOʼs message
5 June 2023 | June 2023, Newsletters
11th IPEd Editors Conference – thank you A huge thank you to everyone who helped to make the 11th IPEd Editors Conference a success. Thank you to the conference committee, our volunteers and all who attended. We appreciate attendees for your receptiveness, high levels...
CEOʼs message
23 February 2023 | February 2023, Newsletters
11th IPEd Editors Conference – 2–9 May 2023 When we first decided on the theme of the 11th IPEd Editors Conference two years ago, we had no idea that ChatGPT would dominate the headlines in 2023. As we read about the rise of AI tools, and helped champion cultural...