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CEOʼs message

CEOʼs message

11th IPEd conference update We hope to make exciting announcements soon about keynote speakers planned for the 11th IPEd Editors Conference. For upcoming announcements about our super earlybird rates, please follow us on social media. We’re continuing to search for...
CEOʼs message

CEOʼs message

11th IPEd conference update We’re assessing the excellent submissions we’ve received for our call for papers, and hope to make some exciting announcements soon. We’re also in search of corporate sponsors. If you know of a business that may be interested in supporting...
CEOʼs message

CEO’s message

Nominations now open for the Mackenzie Medal and Rosie Award Nominations are now open for the Janet Mackenzie Medal and Rosanne Fitzgibbon Editorial Award! I strongly urge you to support these awards and the editing profession by nominating an editor whom you feel...