3 March 2022 | March 2022, Newsletters
Macros help editors earn more money in the same time frame. They speed up making routine copyedits and increase your accuracy. For those who want to learn to use macros but are too intimidated, the next Macro A to Z course through the Editorial Freelancers...
3 March 2022 | March 2022, Newsletters
The IPEd Standards Working Party is well into the process of reviewing the Standards. We have been having meetings throughout January and February – these are now weekly – to discuss the content in detail. I would like to thank the members of the Working Party...
4 February 2022 | February 2022, Newsletters
The IPEd Standards Working Party is reviewing the Standards in detail. We had a meeting in December and two meetings in January. Further updates will be provided as the work progresses. If you have any queries regarding the process, please contact Sharon Lierse:...