23 May 2023 | June 2023, Newsletters
By Kerrie Le Lievre, EdSA events coordinator Adelaide Writers Week, the annual week-long festival of literature held in the Pioneer Women’s Memorial Gardens as part of the Adelaide Festival, is a March institution, and so is the EdSA Writers Week breakfast. On...
24 April 2023 | May 2023, Newsletters
By Cai Bardsley, Student Adviser (edvic.studentadviser@iped-editors.org) Thirty-three people attended our poetry cuppa on 23 March, where Acting President Margaret Trudgeon introduced the host, Andy Jackson, a poet and creative writing teacher, to discuss the...
27 February 2023 | February 2023, Newsletters
By Margaret Trudgeon AE (edvic.vicepres@iped-editors.org) EdVic’s October speaker event held on 27 October 2022 took the form of a panel activity intended to showcase some of the work of its member writers. President Stephanie Holt acted as moderator for the event,...
3 November 2022 | Newsletters, November 2022
By Paul Anderson David Seale of the Commonwealth Department of Education was the guest presenter at a sold-out online presentation hosted by EdNSW on 4 October 2022. Dave is the Acting Assistant Secretary for the department’s communication branch. He began his career...
28 September 2022 | Newsletters, October 2022
By Paul Anderson Lawyer Aditya Vasudevan was the guest presenter at an online presentation hosted by the Arts Law Centre of Australia (Arts Law) for EdNSW on 6 September 2022. Aditya is a solicitor at Arts Law where he advises writers and other practitioners on a...